Cellulite Removal: Surgery VS Diet

Cellulite are those nasty fatty deposits found beneath the surface of the skin in areas such as thighs, back side, hips and upper arms. Cellulite commonly affects women. It is mainly caused by toxicity in the body.

If you are trying to reduce the amount of cellulite that you have, there are two very common methods that are used.  Surgery and of course your diet.  Here we’d like to showcase that surgery should be the last method you use if your diet and healthier approach to cellulite reduction fails.

Cosmetic surgery such as Cellulaze should be the last resort for getting rid of cellulite. Although it might be unsafe, you can use it after you have exhausted other methods with no success.


The following list of cellulite remedies are more than enough to get you started in the right direction.  Here are easy ways to reduce to reduce cellulite fast:

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is essential for general fitness. With just 20 minutes of simple aerobic/ cardio exercises like jogging , running, walking , biking, swimming, weight training, and jumping racks, trust me cellulite will disappear within no time. Exercise burns calories to reduce fat and boost circulation. This can help get rid of cellulite through increasing muscle tone under the skin.


Cellulite Diets 

Dieting is a very effective way of getting rid of cellulite. There are critical changes you need to make in your diet to achieve this. You have to give up sugary drinks and opt for fruit or vegetable juices. Switch from caffeine and eat more proteins and nuts.

Saturated fats are not healthy and should be replaced with omega-3 fats. These fats are essential for blood circulation. Poor blood circulation hampers the transport of nutrients to the body’s skin cells causing them to clump together leading to cellulite build-up.

Use Of Anti-cellulite Cream

Cellulite cream reduces cellulite appearance and also protects the skin against future cellulite. Ensure you find an effective cream through research.

Drink A Lot Of Water

Water is a good hydration agent. If you do not drink enough water, your skin will dry up and look blotchy. Ensure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and keep your skin hydrated.

Cellulite Body Wraps

This is one of the effective home remedies that can help you eliminate cellulite. This can be done in a spa. The area of your body that is affected by cellulite is lathered with anti-cellulite creams and lotions and then tightly wrapped with a soft cloth or seaweed for 45-50 minutes. After which it is removed and gently washed away. The spa attendant unwraps it and gently massages the area with skin nourishing oils and lotions.

Go Green

Drinking green is another way you could use to reduce cellulite. Green tea increases energy expenditure and promotes weight loss. Its also a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radical damage. Drink 3 cups of green tea a day and you will be good to go.

Replace Refined Salt With Sea Salt

Refined/table salt tends to be acidic and leaches minerals from the body. Apart from dehydrating the body, it accumulates toxicity in the body. Although sea salt is alkaline, it is packed with beneficial minerals.

Use Cellulite Brush

This is a natural bristle dry-skin brush. Use it a few times on a daily basis and you will see a noticeable change in your skin’s tone and texture.


Diet Or Exercise? Which One Is More Effective For Long Term Weight Loss?

When it comes to weight loss, we all know that there are no two ways about it; some sacrifices have to be made, and there will definitely be a bit of sweating before that ideal weight is reached. However, we have all at some point wondered about diet and exercise, which one works better than the other? Which one is more important and can be relied on to effectively help one lose more weight?

food or exerciseRecent studies show that we spend most of our time trying to shed the extra kilos through physical exercise while in essence we are ignoring the real root of the problem; diet. It is much easier to reduce our caloric intake than to take up so much then try to shed it all off later. For instance, restricting yourself to 500 calories per day works better than another person who consumes 3,500 calories per day in the hope that they would lose weight by exercise. Physical exercise burns off an average of 200 calories per day which is twice the amount of energy needed when dieting. When you need to burn such an amount of calories you will take an average of two hours in the gym, or you could just ignore that cupcake, soda and fries to achieve the same results.

The average person will not spend a lot of time in vigorous exercise and even if they do, it is difficult for them to maintain the discipline to do it daily. With exercise, there are also chances of being hungry after a physical workout then replacing the whole amount of calories lost. Someone once said it is easier to take off the bullets from the gun than to wear a bullet proof vest, so how about dieting as a form of ‘not loading the gun’ in the first place? Caloric restrictions are much more effective than taking in the calories and hoping they would be shed off later. Although physical exercise is important for a long term weight loss goal, it is dieting that would get you to your desired weight quicker.

Of course combining physical exercise with dieting works wonders for a person who wants to lose weight fast so we cannot ignore exercising in its entirety. Take for example a person who has taken up a crash dieting course and lost a lot of weight. It is physical exercise that will help them maintain their new body. Physical exercise is also great for lowering blood cholesterol, building muscle and boosting your mood.

Our verdict? Eating less is better than exercising more for an effective weight loss procedure. However, combining them both will achieve great results for a person’s general wellness. Limit your caloric intake to prevent weight gain in the first place. Research has shown that people who solely rely on exercise for weight loss are more likely to have bad eating habits as a form of ‘compensation’ for their hard work. Remember, as you grow older it becomes harder to exercise more so it is much easier to control your weight through dieting. The effects of maintaining good eating habits last long and can be incorporated into your daily routine without much of a hassle.

Online Guitar Lessons For Beginners: Good Or Bad?

The guitar is a beautiful instrument which lends itself flawlessly to expression and creativity. It is adaptable versatile and above all stylish. It allows the intent and emotion of the artist to flow through it. Unlike other musical instruments, the guitar is easy to learn and play. By simply learning a few easy chords, you can play your favorite song. Once you master how to play the guitar you can play almost any type of song without a problem. But, between online guitar lessons for beginners and the traditional method, which one is the best?


The new generation of online guitar lessons is immensely gaining popularity and is becoming a major rival to the traditional way of learning. This is because of the following advantages:

They are affordable

Online guitar lessons are affordable. You do not have to pay anything for you to have the lessons. All you have to do is to have a computer internet access and your guitar. When compared to the traditional method whereby you will have to pay the tutor huge amounts of money to start the lessons, online lessons are affordable and hustle free.

Saves travel time

Online lessons do not require you to move from one place to another for lessons. You can learn it at the comfort of your home. You do not have to look for the tutor, instead with the help of a computer, the teacher comes to you. This is contrary to the traditional way where you have to move from your home to the school or where the teacher is for you to learn. This saves time and money that would be used to move from one place to another.


Online guitar lessons are very convenient and flexible. All you have to do is to plan your time well and ensure that you have adequate time for the lessons. Additionally, you can take the lessons at any time of the day without the need for rescheduling your plans.

Availability of various tutors

The good thing about online guitar lessons for beginners is that, you have the ability to choose different tutors. You will not have to pick up the bad habits of one teacher. It give you the ability to see what other players are doing and learn something new from them every time you check in for lessons.

You get to learn genres from experts not generalists

Online guitar lessons give you the chance to learn different genres from experts and professionals. Most online guitar lessons materials are written by experts, people who know how to play the guitar and have spent years doing the same. This means that you will be acquiring skills from watching and practicing what you see.

Although online guitar lessons have several pros, they also have cons as can be viewed below;

Internet connections and software are not always reliable

Depending so much on the internet can sometime be a problem. Frequent internet disruptions and software malfunctioning can make your online lesson a nightmare. You will need very strong internet connectivity for you to learn flawlessly without disruptions.

Harder to find reliable websites

Finding a reliable website that will offer lessons right from a beginner to an expert is not easy. Most websites will only offer basic skills and this is not enough to become a skilled guitar player.


It might be difficult to catch subtle mistakes when your teacher is actually not there with you. You will not know when you are making a mistake.

On the other hand, the traditional way for learning how to play a guitar also has advantages that cannot be ignored as can be viewed below:


The personal interaction between you as a student and your teacher is very important. It helps you not only to acquire skills but also how to perfectly handle and care for your guitar. This is something that is not offered by the online method.


The traditional teachers will always keep an eye on what you are doing. This allows them to give a feedback on what you do. In case of a mistake, the teacher can easily correct you and even guide you on what to do.

It is enjoyable

Learning how to play the guitar the traditional way can be enjoyable especially if you are in a group. You can easily learn from the other members of the group.

The traditional method has several disadvantages for example, it is costly. You will have to pay the tutor large sums of money for the lessons and this can be costly in the end.

Transportation costs

You will have to incur costs of transporting your guitar from one place to another. This when included with the costs of paying your tutor can be very expensive.

In summary, it is clear that online guitar lessons for beginners are by far better than traditional method of learning how to play a guitar.


ideasSo you have an idea for an app?

The current technological sophistication in the mobile industry has called for the development of top-notch iPhone, iPad and Android apps to make the devices exciting and fun. However, creating these apps requires vast experience and skills in coding, engineering or programming that many people don’t have. Only a small percentage of individuals have the right skills and expertise to develop creative such apps. Therefore, it becomes very tricky when you are searching for a competent app maker as you may fall in the hands of novices who are not only inexperienced but also unreliable.


mobidoniaMobidonia App Creator is a platform that ensures that all needs are catered for. Whether it is the needs of a budding app builder, a competent app reseller or a client who needs an app made for him/her. Mobidonia is a one of a kind app creator software that offers expert advice from an apps conception phase up to its completion phase. It provides clients with humongous opportunities and immense features to help them make sound decisions when it comes to designing and creating apps.

Services Provided by Mobidonia

Mobidonia app creator software is with no doubt the best in this realm especially when it comes to its services.

The first and the most important thing is that the company provides equal chances to anyone who wants to develop an app. Since the company has skills and features that are paramount in any app creation, it allows everyone with the desire to use app services regardless of whether he/she has programming or coding knowledge to have it without much hassle.

Secondly, under the reseller option the company provides a chance to app developers with long-term clients to establish a permanent business. All they need is to pay a specified amount of money and customize the platform to their preferences and specification. Individual have full control the profits from this venture and are allowed to add private settings, receive training and support and track any information relating to the use of any app they develop.

Thirdly, the app creator software provides several app related lessons. For example, the app maker provides a step-to-step guide on how to change a WordPress blog into an app. Conversely, it also has SubNavigation implementation StartApp and StartApp integration that are very handy when it comes to advertising your apps globally.

The fourth thing is that the app creator software site has an interactive blog that apart from providing clients with appropriate skills, techniques and new inventions, it provides a medium where several parties can freely interact and share useful information relating to the current market trends that affect the apps realm.

Lastly, the company provides clients with an opportunity to add and manage web content through registration that is free. At this level, one can create several mobile apps. One can also develop the first apps by simply adding an app name, choosing its desired layout and then specifying the type of business.

By selecting Mobidonia to take care of your app needs, you are guaranteed of reliable services that are tailored to suit perfectly all of your needs. The company’s reputation speaks for itself, and its online reviews from its previous customers from the private and public sector is a clear proof of its reliability. The future of mobile apps is predicted to be more vibrant and expansive. To make sure that you don’t lag behind as an app builder regarding technological advancement, be on the lookout by joining Mobidonia.COM.

Simple Wedding Entertainment Ideas To Make Your Wedding Day Remarkable 

No one would like their wedding to be just another cookie-cutter wedding. That is precisely the reason as to why everyone looks forward to entertaining their guest during their wedding, all in the name of making it a day that will remain etched in their minds.

The good news is that making your wedding a day to remember can be a walk in the park provided you have some wedding entertainment ideas at your fingertips. But if you don’t, here are some basic wedding ideas that will make your wedding a huge success and a truly remarkable day as well.

lounge1Create a spectacular reception lounge for your guests

You should provide your guests with a comfortable place for them to mingle between dance breaks simply by creating a lounge area at the reception venue. Once you have created a reception venue, fill it with chairs or couches and plenty of comfortable pillows to sink into. By doing that, you will not only be providing a place for them to relax during the reception ceremony, but you will most importantly succeed in keeping everybody in on the reception party even when they are taking a rest. If you really want to wow your guests, you can close of the reception area with curtains for purposes of creating a VIP vibe.

usherGet some reception ushers 

Even though you are thinking of getting some ushers to escort your guests to their seats, it is however prudent to get some reception ushers to give your guests an upscale restaurant experience by walking them to their tables. You can confirm with your caterer or reception venue whether their wait-staff can handle this task , or you can get some ushers to do the job.

Transport them in style

If you are thinking of transporting your guests from the wedding ceremony all the way to the reception venue, it is prudent you make the journey part and parcel of the fun by renting cool mass transportation for them. You can take the wedding transportation to a whole new level with a breathtaking hot air balloon ride.

party-cocktailsBuy some pre-ceremony cocktails for them

Considering that drinks won’t be served until the reception, you should therefore give your guests a pleasant surprise by placing a table of light beverages on their way into the reception ceremony. But you shouldn’t serve them with any beverage that is too strong, but think of light beverages such as fruit-infused iced teas or mimosas, or anything they can sip prior to taking their seats . You should also ask the ushers or caterers to collect any stray glasses so as to keep the space tidy moments before the processional begins.

Don’t forget the music

Music is an important part of a wedding reception ceremony because it can potentially make the ceremony truly memorable. Even if you serve your guests with the most delicious dishes and tasty beverages they have ever tasted but you forget to give them some music, then there isn’t any way you should expect them to think of your ceremony as a day to remember. As such, play some cool, romantic music that pleases everyone. You can also hire a music band if you are in a position to do so.

With these simple wedding entertainment ideas right at your fingertips, it is now clear that you are a step closer to making your day truly memorable and remarkable as well.