When buying car insurance, you may be tempted to raise your deductibles or choose a lower coverage amount. Of course, these are the most obvious ways of getting cheap car insurance. But are they the only options? You may be surprised to realize that there are so many other factors that may affect the cost of your car insurance. To help you get the cheapest car insurance the next time you are shopping, here are a few tips.
Your Car
Your car affects the amount of insurance significantly because of issues such as safety and cost of repair. There are some things you can check so that you can get the best type of cheap car insurance.
What is the safety rating of your car? If the rating is good, chances of you having to pay for medical bills are low. You cannot say the same for a car that has a low rating.
To make sure that your car is safer, install features such as traction control, safety belts and airbags.
The size of the car also matters. Generally, bigger cars are safer than smaller ones. The meaning is that larger cars are likely to attract smaller premiums than small cars. The same case applies to the size of engine.
How likely is your car likely to be stolen? Some car models seem to attract the eyes of thieves. If your car is in that category, you can lower the risk by installing an alarm or any other anti-theft device.
Your Driving Habits
This is perhaps the most influential aspect on the cost of your insurance. First, it is your driving history. How many accidents have you been involved in in the recent past? Your record says a lot about your likelihood of causing an accident. Other personal issues that may affect the amount of premium include tickets and previous insurance claims.
Luckily, if you are a good driver for several years, these issues tend to lose meaning over time. Therefore, strive to avoid accidents and ticketing problems for at least three years and your premiums may just reduce.
Finally on your habits, your driving frequency or habit can affect the insurance rate. Business vehicles usually cover more miles and are more likely to get into an accident. So, if you don’t use your car too often, you may be able to attract a better insurance rate. In addition, you can provide proof that you keep your car in a secure garage and the insurer may just consider lowering your premium.
Other Factors
Your credit score, neighborhood, marital status, age and other demographic factors can affect your car insurance rate. If you are still single, you may want to get married if you want to get cheap car insurance. Many insurers consider your credit score when determining your premium-in most cases a lower credit score means a higher premium. Therefore, consider fixing your credit score as soon as possible.
Since most accidents tend to happen close to home, where you live is definitely a concern for the insurer. A densely populated place presents higher risks of theft and accidents. In addition, the cost of repair depends on location.
To conclude, car insurance is not something you can avoid, unless you want to play hide and seek with the law. Consider these tips for cheaper car insurance.
Article Source of: http://www.cheapcarinsurance123.org