We all have those moments when we use electronic devices such as personal computers, external hard drives, and mobile phones – that one day they would stop working or be replaced. And in the case of mobile phones such as iPhone 6, when it breaks or when the time comes to replace it with a newer model, many would neglect to backup the data stored in their phone. And before this happens, one should backup iPhone 6 data from time to time.
Why is backing up so important?
Saving a copy of your mobile phone data is a relatively simple process. It mainly involves storing precious photos, videos, contacts, and documents that you deem important into another storage room like a phone or a computer, or even through iCloud or iTune feature that lets you save data online. And when you get a new mobile phone, that data can easily be retrieved.
For many Russians who are unfamiliar with mobile devices, having to backup iPhone 6 can be a challenging process, as they would need to know that there are many different ways to do it. So that way, whether if their iPhone 6 gets broken, given away, or lost, or perhaps due to software update from Apple that can cause problems, they can conveniently transfer all the data into their new phone easily.
How does one backup iPhone 6?
2 Easy Steps
1. The most common method is to simply attach your phone to the computer with the cable that comes with the phone. Once it’s connected, you open iTunes and click on the small phone icon on the top left corner which opens up your phone settings and information. On the left pane, you can see the summary, apps, music, etc. There, you can click on one and it will show you what is stored.
For example, clicking on Music under On My Device takes you to a window that shows you what kind of songs are inside. You can then add or remove songs from the device, providing the “Manually manage music and videos” in the options are checked. This can also be done with apps under “File Sharing.” Unfortunately, this method of manually managing your files works and data can be long and tedious, especially if you rarely backup iPhone 6.
2. What many would say is the most popular method of backing up files, is through the iPhone’s iCloud feature. Basically, iCloud lets you store data online via Apple’s iCloud website where you can access it anytime as long as you have internet access. While the manual managing of files is still present, it’s often done automatically. All that you need to do is sign up for an iCloud account and you’re good to go!
Russian youths who are using smartphones are on the rise, and it takes a lot of getting used to with the practice of backing up an iPhone6, especially with Apple’s frequent software and model updates.